Hemorrhoid Organics Review

Hemorrhoid Organics

Hemorrhoid Organics













            Hemorrhoid Organics is an all-natural formula that contains ingredients which advertises that it has been thoroughly studied.  Further, the product purports to reduce swelling and skin irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

            Available in both capsule and lotion form, Hemorrhoid Organics suggests that it is effective in the long-lasting treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids.

            Certified as 100% organic, product manufacturers claim that it provides almost instant relief from hemorrhoid discomfort and painful lesions.

             Hemorrhoid Organics Formula

            Despite it’s so-called ‘certified organic’ representation, research has not revealed the ingredients used in the Hemorrhoid Organics formula, lotion or capsule, which makes it suspicious to us.  Their website yields no further information about ingredients either.

            Hemorrhoid Organics Dosage

            No dosage information is delineated on the Hemorrhoid Organics lotion or cream packaging. Failure to specify proper dosing is a red flag for careful consumers in our book.

            Hemorrhoid Organics Price

            We could find  that there is no recommended  price listed for Hemorrhoid Organics anywhere?! Very odd.

            Hemorrhoid Organics Guarantee

            Hemorrhoid Organics promises a 100%  money-back  guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with the results of the Hemorrhoid Organics.  However, with the lack of listed ingredients and dosage instruction, how ‘real’ this refund policy seems questionable.


            High falutin’ promises of relief combined with failure to display ingredients, dosage directions, not to mention price, remind us of the old snake oil sales folks.  Not what you want you are a true hemorrhoid sufferer looking for relief.

            When compared to the other leading hemorrhoid relief products, such as HemClear, which offers transparent patient information on all topics, Hemorrhoid Organics is not a serious contender for reliable hemorrhoid relief.

            HemClear offers  a clear guarantee  policy, lists all of its ingredients, dosage instructions and provides a well-defined 60 day 100% money back guarantee, honored by a reputable company.

            Brought to you by the health experts at Consumer Health Review.

            About Ricardo Springwell