Analpram HC Review

Analpram HC

Analpram HC













            Applied topically to the affected area, Analpram is recommended for temporary relief for the pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.  Given that more than 1/2 of the American population will suffer from this unfortunate discomfort at some point, knowing about safe and effective relief is important.

            Analpram HC Formula

            Analpram HC contains the following active ingredients:

            • Hydrocortisone Acetate – A recognized anti-inflammatory that calms sensitive tissues.
            • Pramoxine Hydrochloride – An anti-pruritic agent.

            Analpram HC Dosage

            The patient is directed to apply a thin, even consistent layer to the distressed area, no more than 4 times per day, or as needed depending on the level of irritation.  If an infection further develops, medical dressings are advised.

            Analpram HC Price

            No publicized pricing information is presently available for Analpram online or elsewhere.  We found this curious.

            Analpram HC Guarantee

            The absence of a guarantee, as is commonly seen with other reputable hemorrhoid treatments, does not inspire consumer confidence.  We could not locate any information about refund policies either.


            Analpram contains the ‘same old, same old,’ ingredients listed by many other competitive hemorrhoidal treatments that have verifiable contents and guarantees.  HemClear, for example, provides documentation of a proven, successful track record backed by a 100%, 60-day guarantee.  HemClear is formulated in the U.S., in an FDA-certified facility and provides all the back up research to inspire real consumer confidence when an effective remedy for an very unpleasant disorder is desperately sought.  HemClear can be relied upon to resolve the issues associated with hemorrhoid discomfort promptly.

            Brought to you by the health experts at Consumer Health Review.

            About Sari Thomson